Tuesday 9 October 2012


We had to have our beautiful cat Brian put to sleep on Saturday after he suffered a saddle thrombus, resulting from a blood clot.  He was hale and hearty upto the last moment when his back suddenly became paralysed. Although it was upsetting to see him distressed, thankfully, we were at home so we could get him to our lovely vet immediately. We fussed and talked to him as he slept away peacefully.  He was a much loved cat who lived his life as a cat should, free to come and go, eat at leisure and sleep in the sun


  1. Sorry to read sad news about Brian. At least he didn't suffer a long illness. Lovely photos of him.

  2. I am so sorry to hear of your loss :(

  3. Thank you, for your kind comments. Brian was almost 14 so he'd had a good life. But we miss him.
