Sunday 28 October 2012

A wet wander in the woods

A slick carpet

Where's Molly?

Autumn glory
It was as well that I enjoyed my youthful regression in the woods yesterday as today has been the wettest day we’ve had since ….the last one. A fortnight ago!  Such a long spell without rain is unprecedented!! Although tawny-coated Molly continued to blend seamlessly into the autumnal scenery, our walk this afternoon was of the damp and slippery kind, the crispy leaves turned overnight into a slick orange carpet. The return to GMT made the afternoon seem shorter, (although that may have been due to our mid-morning cinema excursion) with dusk falling much earlier. Winter is round the corner!


  1. Molly is so well camouflaged in that photo! Gorgeous colour in your 'autumn glory' pic.

  2. Thank you. The light wasn't great which is why my phone picture of Molly is poor but at the top of the path the light was lovely for a brief moment
