Tuesday 22 June 2010

Dr Who

The penultimate Dr Who episode of this series has left me breathless and wanting more.  Apart from the dodgy  (according to a local expert) Roman costuming it was an action packed episode with a huge number of loose ends to tie up (or not) next week .  I  worried that I wouldn’t take to the “new” Doctor, as both  David Tenant and Christopher Eccleston were such hard acts to follow but my concerns were needless. Matt Smith is a very engaging character with an equally appealing companion and has filled the shoes of the last Doctor with ease and humour

1 comment:

  1. I need to find out if I can get Dr. Who here. The only Dr. Who I remember is the one with the great, long, stripey scarf and mad curly hair.

    'Penultimate' is such and excellent word!

    Sarah :)
