Wednesday 31 August 2016

Two Ginger Ninjas. Is it really a year?

With poor Robin in hospital again, and not being ones for remembering anniversaries, we almost forgot that today is Montyversary! (Facebook does have some uses with its memory pages). It's hard to believe we've had our naughty Ginger Ninja for a year; it feels a lot shorter than that although there have been times when a day has felt like a year in Montilicious world. Unlike Miss Molly, our adorable old ninja, who is trouble-free and excellently behaved in all situations, the same cannot be said of this stubborn but good-humoured boy. Cancel the PAT dog application for the Infirmary!

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Osprey Watch

With Mr Glis’s mobility curbed by a hockey injury, it was just the dogs and I walking around Dodd Wood on Saturday. And as I learned that an Osprey nest is the size of a double bed, it is definitely true that you really do learn something new every day.  As we’d had an early start, the Osprey viewing sites weren’t open but, some volunteers were just setting up their telescope so I did manage to see Bega, a 2016 juvenile, perched in a tree top. That was a real privilege as she will be migrating shortly to South Africa

Thursday 25 August 2016

Great British Bake Off

Along with half the country, we tuned into the GBBO last night with a cuppa and a slice of moist, home-made ginger cake!  As always, it was captivating viewing with a couple of potential front runners leading the way, although I am always wary of people peaking too soon. As we are to have an homage to the Bakeoff at our next team meeting and needing to hone my skills in preparation, I rustled up a ginger cake when we had advance warning of a visitor on Saturday. The final slices went down well last night so that’s a start

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Rio 2016

The Rio Olympics have been wonderful! Despite the time difference, we’ve managed to see some superb performances across a huge number of sports and fully enjoy the success of Team GB. There are too many wonderful moments to mention but highlights include Mo Farah and his amazing double Olympic double, Andy Murray winning his brutal gold medal singles match, the brilliant cycling and women’s hockey teams and the Brownlee Brothers.  We also saw a spot of rhythmic gymnastics on Sunday but it’s difficult to take seriously since watching James Corden wafting a ribbon about on a League of their Own

Litter Louts

Litter annoys me so much.  It’s everywhere, discarded by a thoughtless group in society who simply have no respect for the environment. Add to that the dog walkers (usually male) who don’t pick up dog waste and I am left feeling both sad and angry at the wanton neglect of our neighbourhood. Each morning, when we walk the dogs, I pick up at least one lot of someone else’s dog mess from the middle of the woodland path and just as frequently, pick up the detritus of a late night McDonalds fast food feast from the car park. It’s disgusting

Thursday 18 August 2016

Olympic Legacy

I wandered around the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park last week, and although it still looks well maintained, I couldn’t help thinking it was a rather sad and forlorn place.  Granted it was the evening when I strolled around, but despite the lure of a Rio Olympics Fan Zone, there were very few people about, enjoying time out from their busy lives. The arena looked very different with its West Ham wrapper and the aquatics centre and velodrome didn’t seem to be busy (if they were open). I really hope I was mistaken and it was just an untypical “quiet night”.


When we visited Southerness, just south of Dumfries last week, it was a bonus to discover that the Lighthouse was open and be treated to a history lesson from the curator about local boy, John Paul Jones who later became “Father of the American Navy”. The views from the lighthouse were hazy but never having been to that particular beach before, it was wonderful to see the carboniferous rock strata shaping the shoreline. We may not have the beautiful white sands of the Western Isles on our doorstep, but we are still very lucky to live close to the coast

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Highgate Cemetery

I always enjoy a wander round an old grave yard and Highgate Cemetery has long been on my list of places to visit. So last week, needing a reasonably quiet place to participate in a conference call, I scurried up Highgate Hill from Archway and soon found myself in the East Cemetery, an oasis of peace and tranquillity in the heart of London.  After my call finished, I took an hour out to roam about the pathways and study the final resting places of many people, some famous and some known only to their families. And it was remarkably soothing.

Monday 15 August 2016

Feeling the effects!

Although I’m not a great sleeper, being used to reading during the small hours most nights, I still felt pretty exhausted at work today after two broken nights cheering on Mo Farah to his 10 000m gold medal and “not” watching Andy Murray fight to retain his Olympic title.  Years ago, I could have managed to cope for several days after dozing for a few hours but not any longer. Ordinarily, I suspect I drift in and out of sleep but being high on adrenaline at watching such exciting sport obviously has an even greater detrimental effect on my rest

Sunday 14 August 2016

The humble safety pin

For me, one of the most endearing sights of the Olympics isn’t the emotional responses of medal winners on the podium or the delighted faces of supporters as they see the efforts of their loved ones come to fruition. No, it’s the continued use of the humble safely pin in attaching paper race numbers to scientifically designed sportswear. The incongruity of this is never more evident than in the track cycling where despite the use of skin-tight suits and aerodynamic helmets designed to reduce flow resistance, a paper label attached by safety-pins proudly flaps on the back of the rider!

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Work wear!

Yesterday, Andy and I were entertained by Alex and Nerea who took great delight in mocking me and my ineptitude with mobile technology. But in the midst of the frivolities, I managed to take a photo of their legs! In work pants! And actually, it not only turned out well, but surprisingly, left me feeling very proud. Both of them took a different career path to their peers and with a good work ethic, are working hard in their chosen trades with an end plan in mind. They’re gaining enormous amounts of experience and deserve every success in the future!

Monday 1 August 2016

Great Mell Fell

Andy and I have been inflicted with summer colds so we decided to take it easy yesterday and take a wander up Great Mell Fell. Our walk to the top was fine, although as we climbed, I was aware of the strong bracken smell on the wind. That really should have been a warning but on our descent, in search of a geocache, we took leave of our senses and headed off into the head-high, fly-ridden, ankle-twisting, pungent vegetation, getting hotter, stickier and in my case, more breathless by the minute. It was simply horrendous. We should have known better!


Last week we looked after Hardy, the cat next door, when his owner was on holiday.  He’s a dear little thing and was very easy to get along with. Despite neglecting my Drabbles, I did feel moved to keep a little diary about his adventures during the week so that on her return, his mistress could feel reassured that he had been well looked after. What she thought about his partying, complete with photographic evidence is any one’s guess but I think she was pleased to have the little memento. And, I suspect, he was delighted to have her home!