Saturday 23 August 2014

Pottering in the Puget Sound

We've been in America for only five days but what a lot we've accomplished already .....and we haven't even set out for the hills yet. Our friends home is a "beachfront" log house on the Puget Sound which is, quite simply, a stunning location. We could stay on their front porch for ever, looking out at the views. But we haven't. We've been to the State Capitol and rubbed the nose of George Washington, shopped at the Farmers Market, partied on the beach and gatecrashed Dick's early morning coffee club. And packed for THE HIKE. I need to lie down!!!!!

Monday 18 August 2014

A wonderful wedding

At the weekend. Andy's niece Hannah married Marcus in their local village church at Holcombe Rogus in Devon. After a traditional service, we drove through the beautiful Devon countryside to a marquee in a hay meadow. With a "village fete" reception theme, the marquee was decorated with bunting, floral table runners and jugs of flowers. There were also some delightful personal touches: scrabble tiles spelling wedding themed words, a pop corn bar and home made fudge favours in hessian bags. Straw bales surrounding fire pits for warmth in the evening added to the delightful atmosphere.  It was a perfect day!

Monday 11 August 2014

Knitting Nancy

Although the torrential rain yesterday provided an opportunity for de-cluttering,  my efforts didn’t last long because, to my delight, in a bag of craft materials, I came across Nerea’s “Knitting Nancy” (Cue moment for nostalgic reminiscing!).  A length of tubular  weaving was still attached so I considered knitting a bit more, despite wondering what to do with the woollen  snake when it was finished.  I seem to recall coiled pot mats were the inevitable product of my childhood labours although I didn't have anything as grand as a painted bobbin: 4 nails in a wooden cotton reel had to suffice 

Saturday 9 August 2014

Phooning about

 Geocaching really does bring about new and different experiences so that’s why I found myself “phooning” (albeit badly), in the middle of Manchester yesterday
So what is a phoon?. Well for the uninitiated, it’s a one legged, Bruce Forsyth, type pose and isn’t as easy as it looks to maintain without wobbling.
A local cacher had set up a flashmob event and as luck would have it, I was able to attend. It was great fun to be part of as other cachers are generally a friendly, enthusiastic crowd with a shared, common interest for the lighter moments of life!

Tuesday 5 August 2014

The Day of the Triffids re-created

Until a couple of years ago, I hadn’t realised how extensive the invasion of Himalayan Balsam had become along river banks. And then I went on a geo-caching adventure to an island in the middle of the River Tyne at Hexham and I saw the evidence with my own eyes as I hacked my way through head height plants.  Yesterday, a caching friend and I re-visited the island, taking the same route and indeed, adopting the same bush-whacking techniques.  The novelty soon wore off and I began to reflect on the urgent need to control this vigorous, flourishing immigrant plant!

Sunday 3 August 2014

Happy Anniversary

Can it really be 29 years since Andy and I were married?  In many ways, it seems like yesterday when I was that youthful bride in my cathedral length veil and wild silk dress (long sleeved and high necked as appropriate for a church wedding back then) but in others, it feels like a life time ago as we’ve enjoyed so much together. Like every couple we’ve shared sad times, but there has never been a moment when I’ve wanted my life choices to have been any different.  I feel very blessed to have such a happy marriage and family.

Virgin-ing on the ridiculous

Recently, I witnessed some horrific behaviours from disgruntled travellers while enduring the longest journey I’ve ever made to Reading.  Making 3 passes of Penrith Station (the initial pass followed by reverse and forward manoeuvres) before getting off four, and onto five trains at Preston station is tedious by anyone’s standards but signalling and re-routing issues aren’t the fault of the platform staff.  Abusive behaviour directed at them is inappropriate.  But, that said, Virgin platform staff must improve communications and demonstrate greater awareness of the needs of travellers, instead of relying on fellow passengers (like me) to help the less agile!

The train leaving from Platform 3, 4 or 5 is possibly the one you need

Saturday 2 August 2014

Feeling thankful

Recently, I took part in a FB initiative to be thankful for things each day and post them as my status.  I usually don’t bother with these types of campaign but as FB can be full of destructive and negative comments and this year I was determined to celebrate the small things, I was happy to take part. And it’s proved to be a hugely positive and affirming thing to do.  It’s been revealing just  how many beautiful things happen each day that we can enjoy, be that a smile from a stranger, early morning birdsong or a wonderful view

Flowers on Carlisle Station to cheer up train travelling!