Tuesday 30 June 2015


On Saturday, I picked almost 6lb of gooseberries from a bush we’ve grown in a pot.  Deciding to use some to make a crumble, some gooseberry curd and a fool, I decided to sacrifice the rest to make gooseberry vodka.  We’ve made other fruit gins and vodkas successfully but haven’t tried gooseberries before so as it’ll be ready at Christmas, it’ll be a new taste for us to sample during the season of indulgence. There’s nothing like “planning ahead”, and being one who doesn’t, it feels very odd to have even referenced the festive word so early in the year!!


Although poppies will forever be associated with loss and remembrance, when passing a cropped field full of them at this time of year, they are still a joyful sight that brings a smile.  There is something so uplifting at their resilient fragility, as their delicate heads struggle their way into bloom among hardy spears of wheat or tangled threads of oil seed rape. Often the vivid splash of colour can be seen from some distance away so yesterday, I found myself taking a short detour simply to take a photograph of the beautiful sight that I’d seen from further afield

Friday 26 June 2015

Political put-downs!

I’ve long lamented the decline of unrehearsed verbal jousting in the world of politics so President Obama’s recent response to a heckler provided a refreshing flashback to a time when the political arena was awash with unscripted, rapier sharp repartee. Who can forget the wonderful Robin Day’s remark to the unfortunate “here today, gone tomorrow”, Minister of Defence, John Nott or the brutally snobbish but wounding put-down that “Michael had to buy his own furniture”, allegedly made by Michael Jopling of Michael Heseltine and reported, somewhat gleefully, by Alan Clark in his diaries? Oh, for a return to wittier times

Cream Scone, anyone?

We enjoyed cream scones in the office today.  There is something so soothing, so utterly satisfying about feasting on a home-made scone, split in two, each half supporting the simple but perfect combination of  raspberry jam, topped with a pillow of soft,  yellow, cream. I’d had an urge to bake when I woke early this morning so opted to satisfy my need with a batch of scones, the simplest and most portable product to make.  Once baked, I wrapped them in a tea towel and transported them in my cycle pannier to the office where they were consumed with gusto.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Happy Memories

Probably because I’m too easily distracted, I’m still enchanted when happy, long forgotten memories are triggered. A fleeting glance of a photograph or catching the lingering remnants of a particular fragrance can be the catalyst but this morning, it was seeing several vapour trails criss-crossing the sky.  I was immediately transported back to my younger self with a 3 year old Nerea sitting in her seat on the back of my bike. pointing skywards and confidently pronouncing that they were “vapour trails”. It was such a sudden and charming memory I’ve been infused with a glow that’s lasted all day


Green Eyed Monster

Unsurprisingly, Nerea and Alex had a wonderful time in Rome with Nerea falling in love with the city as anticipated.  The hotel they stayed in was amazing (and clearly out of Mr Glis’ and my price range, being mere mortals with domestic expenses and bills to pay!) but as it was an anniversary treat for them, they’d decided to splash out. They managed to squeeze in visits to all the main sights, enjoyed a spot of people watching and several delicious meals so they came back feeling very relaxed and delighted with their break. Mr Glis and I remain envious!

Those magnificent men.......

Despite variable weather on Sunday, Nerea, Alex (and Andy) FINALLY managed to take to the skies for a long awaited flying lesson. We’d bought Nerea the lesson (and 2 passenger rides) for Christmas  but combinations of weather, work and weekends away meant it had been delayed several times.  Alex had also been given a voucher for his birthday so they combined their experiences and had a 90 minute flight out over Carlisle and the Solway with a refuelling stop at Kirkbride airfield!  Andy took some superb photos from the back seat, capturing the memorable event for everyone on the ground

Monday 15 June 2015

The Southern Uplands!

The weather gods were moderately kind in response to my request for fine weather this weekend. Although the sun didn’t shine for long, the rain kept away, allowing us to endure (whoops, enjoy) a windy hike upto the ridge below Hall Fell near Moffat.  The undulating Southern Upland scenery was stunning as we made our way from the Devil’s Beef Tub along the Annandale Way to the cairn, before climbing upto Whitehope Heights where a geocache awaited us.  We’d decided against a circular walk, so after a spot of lunch, returned the way we’d come, feeling invigorated with our efforts

Friday 12 June 2015

Has summer arrived?

Summer seems to have arrived this week with several consecutive days of warm weather.  I love English summer days when I’m not in the office and I can be out in the hills with a gently fragrant, warm wind blowing and the air filled with the sound of birdsong. However, this week, I’ve been stuck in stuffy offices, affording myself tantalising glimpses of distant fells or the languid River Tyne when a telephone meeting has become too tedious or I can’t face opening another email. I am just hoping that the weather gods will continue to be kind this weekend

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Living vicariously, again

Miss Glis and A are off to Rome tomorrow and once again, I’ll be living vicariously through their adventures. Mr Glis and I definitely have Rome on our bucket list; we just need to organise a weekend away! It’s a first for Miss Glis, although A has visited before, so they’ve been researching the Rough Guide to select which historic sites they want to visit during their short break. Sensibly, they want to enjoy fewer locations in a more relaxed way so are likely to limit their sightseeing to the Vatican, Coliseum and Trevi Fountain! I’m so excited for them!

Thursday 4 June 2015

Fields of Barley

As I was driving over to the Newcastle on Tuesday when it was incredibly windy, I saw a field of unripe barley rippling in the wind.  It was such an uplifting sight, I pulled off the A69 and turned down a side road so that I could stop and admire the spectacle.  The field shimmered like shot silk as the whiskery heads bowed and tossed in carefree abandon; it was if the crop was dancing exuberantly to the irresistible music of the wind.  After a few minutes, I drove off with an overwhelming sense of cheerfulness that lasted all day