Friday 20 February 2015

The Blood-letting!

Remind me to make sure that it’s the nurse who takes blood from me next time.  Quite why the Doctor wanted me to have a blood test for a peeling toe is anyone’s guess, especially when I don’t have an iron deficiency, but I suppose I should be thankful for his thoroughness.  Anyway, a life time of blood tests have never resulted in anything like the bruise currently adorning my left arm! Not only is it VERY purple, it’s also very sore! Ordinarily, the Practice Nurse usually achieves the blood-letting uneventfully, so draw your own conclusions about the Doctor’s proficiency!

1 comment:

  1. Eeek! Doctor's are THE WORST for drawing blood! Talk about ham-fisted! He's more than likely checking for iron deficiency and infection, hence the bloodwork. An ice pack should help dull the pain. Poor you!
