Thursday 15 November 2012

I'm without my "not so Prairie-like" Home Companions!!

“It’s been a quiet week in Carlisle”, to paraphrase Garrison Keillor.

As Nerea’s in Spain and Andy’s working in Lincolnshire, for the first time in several years, I’m “home alone”, dog and cats excepted, for a comparatively lengthy period.  Believe it or not, I’m actually quite a shy person and enjoy my own company so the thought of several evenings alone after a hard day in the office hasn’t been too daunting.  I’ve disciplined myself to ignore the temptation of a good book and chocolates and continue with the loathed decorating chores.  I’ve surprised myself at how much I’ve achieved.


  1. I love those Garrison Keiller stories, having heard them broadcast before I read them.

    Surely you deserve a book/chocolate reward at the weekend after all that decorating!

    1. Hi Christine
      I'm having a night off as Andy will be home later.I can't wait to finish the stripping tomorrow!
      Like you, I first heard Garrison Keillor on the radio many years ago and immediately identified with his stories. I still enjoy re-reading them!
      I enjoy your bog too, although i don't post too often
