Monday 22 November 2010

The Tornado

On Friday the Tornado steam train roared into town.  I’m something of a closet railway child, having been brought up with trains at the bottom of the garden.  I clearly remember the fiery monsters steaming past as, hanging onto the top rung of our home made ladder, I fought my two brothers for the best viewing position.  Intoxicated with the unmistakeable smell of the Tornado’s smoke, I watched ecstatically as she came tearing into Carlisle station, whistle shrieking, steam hissing and brakes squealing.  For a few all too brief moments, I was transported to the glorious, bygone age of steam.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, ooh! How cool!!! I love steam engines and this one looks amazing. Lucky you to have grown up with them so close. I had to do with the Railway Children (still a favourite book). :)
