Monday 8 March 2010

Blaeberry Bannocks

Blueberries were on offer in the market yesterday. While cycling home with my haul, I thought of the bilberry bannocks my mum used to make following Auntie Bessie’s recipe.  Auntie Bessie was a redoubtable Scottish lady (she regularly cycled from Glasgow to Blackpool on a 3 speed bike) who baked bannocks after gathering wild bilberries from the moor.  When I was growing up and the bilberries were ripe, it was “all hands on deck” until we picked enough for making jam, pies and bannocks. Bannocks are like scones and are delicious with a cuppa.  I just had to make some.

Blaeberry Bannocks
(or Bilberry/Blueberry/Whinberry/Myrtleberry…..… or any sort of berry bannocks)

Bannock mixture

10oz SR Flour
3oz Butter
2oz Caster Sugar
1 punnet fresh blueberries – wash, dry and toss in flour.
milk to mix

Lemon topping

2oz icing sugar
2tbsp lemon juice
zest of half lemon
walnut sized knob of butter

Pre-heat oven to 200 degreesC or Gas 6

1.         Rub the butter into the flour until it looks like breadcrumbs.

2.         Stir in the sugar and the blue berries

3.         Add the milk a little at time, stirring gently to form a soft dough.  Don’t crush the blue berries as you clump the dough together.

4.         Turn the dough out onto a floured surface.  Gently pat and shape the dough with         your hands into an oblong about 8 inches by 6 inches and about half an inch thick

5.         Cut the dough into 4 squares and then cut each square into 2 triangles.

6.         Put the 8 triangles onto an un-greased baking sheet and bake for 15 -20 mins until   golden brown.  Leave to cool on a cooling tray

7.         While the bannocks are cooling, blend the lemon juice, icing sugar and zest   together.  Add the knob of butter and zap in the microwave for about 50 seconds            on        high power.   Leave to cool as it will thicken.  Brush the thickened syrup over the          top of the cooled bannocks.

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