Tuesday 29 May 2012

Lounging Around

We’ve really enjoyed the last few days of gorious sunshine but true to form, the weather may be turning.  I suspect the reason behind this is that yesterday, I bought a sun lounger.  On Sunday, Nerea commandeered Grandma’s ancient sun lounger, announcing that she’d like one in order to facilitate her revision.  As sunny days are few and far between, I was reluctant to spend too much money so bought a cheap but cheerful version.  But, Nerea’s planning was ill-conceived for as soon as the chair was strategically placed to catch the sun in the garden, Siddums took up occupancy.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Treacle Scones

Some weeks ago, Andy made his first (and to date ONLY) foray into the consumerist temple that is Dobbies  (And it was only my second visit!). After worshipping at the altar of “unnecessary items you really can live without” for all of 12 minutes, we were so traumatised that we needed a restorative cup of tea. In the cafĂ© he spied treacle scones.  As these are a throwback to both our childhoods, we shared one with our cuppa.  It was such a disappointment; dry and tasteless, that I’ve now made numerous batches at home to try and re-create the flavour

Saturday 26 May 2012


14 years is a long time in anyone’s life.  And as Speech Days are inevitably an occasion to reflect, as we sat in Carlisle Cathedral, I found my mind replaying our memories of Nerea’s time at school.  Her “first days” at both Junior and Senior school with the inevitable oversized blazers, the professional school productions, the polished musical soirees, sports days and fundraisers, the embroidered tablecloth I’d sat up sewing, the expedition to Borneo.  But more than anything, I remembered friendly, happy children.  Smiling, joyful  children who’ve grown into confident, poised adults.  And that’s a great legacy for any school.

Photo courtesy of Austin Friars

Sports Day

Why don’t I ever remember sun screen?  Because we  rarely get hot sunny days, perhaps?  My left arm is now somewhat redder than my right as a consequence of sitting in the sun at Nerea’s last Sports Day yesterday afternoon.  As she stormed home to a convincing victory in the 200m, it was a fitting end to her school athletics career.  The mutual support between the students was clearly evident and that Mr Laidlaw recognised Nerea when she was way over the far side of the stadium (I struggled!!) typified the wonderful community atmosphere that a small school can create

Friday 25 May 2012

Leaver's Assembly

 So that’s it.  After 14 years at Austin Friars St Monica’s, Nerea’s school life has “officially” ended (She’s now on study leave preparing for exams but regular teaching is over).  The Leaver’s Assembly today was terrific ; the class of 2012 are a lovely group of students who are a credit to the school and their parents.  That they enjoy a genuine bond between them was so evident in their leaving video, the hilarious BANTA award presentations and the tearful displays of love and affection as they said good bye to their peers.  They’ve all made their parents very proud.

Photos courtesy of Nigel Calvert

Looking Forward

I feel slightly melancholic today as it’s one of farewell.  We took our friends, Dick and Barb to Glasgow Airport as they set off on the next stage of their adventures, “walking” (they find our English understatement highly amusing) along the Camino de Santiago de Compostela.  And then later we’ll be at Nerea’s final school assembly. After 14 happy years there, it’ll be sad for all of us to say “goodbye”. But in reality, we’re all standing on the threshold of our next life adventures, so as well as happy memories to sustain us, we’ve plenty to look forward to. 

Monday 21 May 2012


The smell of warm gingerbread permeating the house like a soft, comforting blanket is one of the most evocative scents I remember from my childhood.  Although she generally favoured traditional recipes, my mum was a great baker and her gingerbread, made from an ancient recipe was definitely a family favourite.  Of all our senses, smell is perhaps the most underated and yet the unexpected, tantalising whisper of a long forgotten fragrance can, in a moment, transport us back to a time when we were sitting on our mother’s knee, wrapped in her arms, breathing as one, secure in her love


The best years of our lives

For 14 years, our lives have been inextricably tied up with Nerea’s school, Austin Friars St. Monica’s.  From her first day as a 4 year old to her final U6 leaver’s assembly, as parents, we’ve been encouraged to be part of an extended school family. Perhaps it’s because the school is comparatively small, the sense of community has always been strong and as such we’ve been privileged to share in many joyful and celebratory occasions. So perhaps it was unsurprising that I found myself moved to tears during her wonderful but final summer musical recital in Carlisle Cathedral last week.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Dancing in the breeze

I love the sight of washing drying outside on a line but it’s been a rare occurrence this year. The variable English weather has rendered it almost impossible to dry anything outdoors; instead, the inside of our house has resembled a Chinese Laundry, clothes steaming gently, as rain drops chase down the windows. Sadly, I’ve even resorted to tumble drying towels, their wet bulk proving to be an insurmountable challenge.  So on Saturday, it was delightful to hang out the bedding and watch it cavort and dance in the breeze. And oh, the joy of sleeping in air dried sheets!

Monday 14 May 2012

To Grasmere and beyond!

Yesterday saw us meeting up with Dick and Barb who have now reached the central Lake District on their Coast to Coast adventures.  We parked at Grasmere before walking up to Grisedale Tarn by way of Tongue Ghyll.  The wind was incredibly strong on top of the hause so we hunkered down at The Brothers’ Parting for a “ cache, brew n’ bite” before dropping down to Ruthwaite Lodge where we met the travellers.  Our return  to Grasmere was enlivened by a treacherous crossing of the Tarn outlet and several hurricane strength gusts of wind.  Thank goodness for teashops in Grasmere!

Thursday 10 May 2012

On the right side of the (Tram) tracks

Being brought up on the Fylde coast, famous for its trams, I’ve always loved them as a means of transport. So yesterday I chose to travel by tram from the centre of Birmingham out to the suburbs. Although it was exciting in principle, in reality it was like travelling on a train as most of the journey was on tracks running parallel to the train line.  The extension from Snow Hill Station to New Street hasn’t been completed yet so I’ll have to wait for a couple of years to enjoy experience of the gliding smoothly through the city centre.

Middle Aged? Where's my Thermos?

A " nice" cuppa on the Virgin Pendolino

I’ve officially entered the Middle Aged Club.  Apparently, “thermos flasks” define us.  Yes, I freely admit to taking a flask of hot water, a bottle of milk and teabags with us where ever we go but since when that sensible and thrifty activity became a signature of the middle aged, is anyone’s guess. (On re-reading, I suspect I may have condemned myself out of my own mouth).  Put simply, THE FLASK is merely an essential item within my rucksack (or cycle panniers) and has been for over 35 years. You never know when the need for a cuppa will strike! 

Wednesday 2 May 2012

On your bike!

I’ve just found a very audacious puzzle cache hide in the centre of Newcastle.  The puzzle itself was challenging as there were several red herrings in it but soon I had the eureka moment and the final co-ordinates revealed themselves very easily.  The final hide was a different matter.   I visited the site on a busy Friday lunchtime but was unable to have a look around without attracting attention.  Suspecting the hide was something out of the ordinary, I decided to return at a quieter time.  I rocked up today and immediately spotted something unusual.  Result!!  A brilliant, inventive cache