Tuesday 22 November 2011


It was an unusual week in Wales this year.  Firstly, the weather was amazingly mild for November which meant we were able to get out and about rather more than usual but secondly, Nerea  was only with us for the weekend as she had arranged some work experience at home.  Despite her absence, and she was much missed, we still had a lovely time, exploring our favourite beaches, getting out into the hills and eating far too much. But “times are a-changing” and it seems as if the next phase in the inevitable re-structuring of our little family has begun 

Monday 21 November 2011

Solace in the sunset

During the last week, I've had to resolve 2 rather difficult personnel issues at work.  Driving home from West Cumbria after a terribly stressful and psychologically draining day, in the distance, the dying sun was setting over the mountain tops of the Lake District.  Such a truly beautiful sight compelled me to stop the car close by a convenient footpath sign.  I rummaged for suitable footwear in the boot and despite looking somewhat incongruous in my suit and green wellies, I set off into the dusk along the track.  Half an hour later and thankfully I’d regained some inner peace