Thursday 16 June 2011


Following tender nurturing by Andy, we harvested our first crops from the container garden yesterday; a substantial amount of vivid red and green rainbow chard. It obviously liked its sheltered and sunny situation by the wall as it had grown vigorously.  I decided to cook and serve it with dinner last night but rather than just wilting it, I used an untried but delicious sounding recipe from the good old BBC.  The only time consuming aspect of the preparation was the removal and shredding of the stalks but it was a good investment.  The finished dish looked and tasted wonderful.
Sautéed chard with garlic
 1kg/2½lb chard, Swiss, ruby or rainbow are fine·       
3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed·
2 red onions, peeled and finely chopped·         
Juice and zest 1 orange   
2 tbsp sunflower oil       
salt and pepper
Preparation method
1.Take the chard leaves off the stalks and shred the leaves and stalks finely. Keep them separate
2. Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok. Add the onions and the chard stalks and stir-fry for 3-4 minutes. Add the garlic, chard leaves and orange zest and mix together. Season well and stir-fry for another 2-3 minutes until the leaves have wilted
3. Stir in the orange juice and serve at once.

Tuesday 14 June 2011


I’ve not been drabbling since our PC became unreliable and despite having a smart phone, I’ve been reluctant to attempt to create (moderately) lengthy documents on the Blogger Android App(cue cringing daughter at Mother’s use of teccy terms).  I‘ve surprised myself at how much I’ve missed my little musings and think it’s down to the 100 word discipline.  For an essentially lazy body such as myself, 100 words are just enough to “say something”, few enough to pre-empt any feelings that the writing is a chore and about the right length to sustain a reader’s interest in meaningless rambles!

A new laptop needed

Our PC has been temperamental for a while and finally, it seems to have drawn its last breath!  Luckily, we’re able to recover the information stored on there(there isn’t much we need to keep) and then move to a laptop.  We don’t need a desk top PC as our requirements are pretty simple: some web browsing and word processing, and we’ll be able to be a little more flexible in where and how we use a laptop. I never thought I’d say this but this episode has illustrated how much we depend on computer access in our daily lives

Handbags and Gladrags

Hearing the Stereophonics cover of Handbags and Gladrags this morning set me thinking. And it didn’t take long to conclude that I’ve been wired wrongly.(Shockingly, my colleagues agree!) I just don’t get the whole “girly” shoes and handbags thing. I’m not sure whether it’s out of laziness (Why does anyone want to empty the contents from one bag into another for a night out and then repeat the experience the following morning?) or just plain skinflintishness (You can only wear one pair of shoes at a time!)? But what ever the reason, it seems I’m just not normal. Sarah

Monday 13 June 2011

Half Term Henna

Nerea isn’t the world’s greatest early riser so it was with some thing approaching incredulity that I heard her getting up BEFORE me this morning.  And then I remembered; as she’s on half term holiday, I’d agreed to henna her hair before I went to work so she could spend the rest of the day wearing a cling film turban while the colour developed.  She’d set her alarm so she didn’t sleep in.  And so it was that at 7.45am, I was mashing up chunks of henna with hot water, ready to apply the hideous green paste to her hair