Friday 24 December 2010

Hobby Horses at midnight

6 O’Clock yesterday morning saw me making mince pies and chocolate logs.  And the reason behind this maniacal behaviour?  It was “Secret Santa” at work and I’d volunteered to make the eats.  Although I was on schedule to bake the night before, I'd actually spent the evening making a brown velvet hobby horse as part of a Father Christmas rescue mission for “the small child of a friend of my mother in law” (phew).  Consequently, I was occupied all evening with Dobbin.  Despite the late finish and early start, I’m pleased to say that all products were produced successfully!

Monday 20 December 2010

Camels for Christmas in Carlisle

We had camels in Carlisle last week.  They’re not something one usually expects to see in a Northern English town but they were part of an atmospheric Christmas torch light procession from the castle to the town square which ended with a carol service.  The lanterns were suspended on poles and were made from withies and tissue paper with tea lights inside.  The overall effect was very attractive and has made me think about having a go at making one.  Some farms around here are now growing willow so perhaps we’ll see more traditional crafts in future……… along with the ungulates

Dashing through the snow......

Although it’s a challenge in the snowy weather we’ve had recently, I have been pedalling to work as usual.  Because we’ve not had any partial thaws, the snow along the river path has remained “squeaky” and relatively easy to cycle on.  But, closer to town, the salt gritted areas on the shared pavement don’t feel as safe as ice forms once the temperature drops and the melt water re-freezes.  Pavement conditions were so bad under-wheel today that I decided to brave the road and negotiate the 3 lane roundabout.  Happily, I was only tooted at once by an impatient motorist!

Friday 17 December 2010

Christmas Cake

I adore Christmas Cake and am still feeding this year’s crop with brandy before icing. Coming from a long line of Christmas cake makers, perhaps my fondness was somewhat inevitable, although Nerea doesn’t seem to be following the tradition, preferring uncooked mixture!  When I was 11, I took over making our family cake graduating to making several cakes each year for different family and friends following a Delia recipe. The original is written on dog-eared, stained paper and despite having an electronic copy which I have shared with friends, I still can’t bring myself to consign it to the bin

Wednesday 15 December 2010


Yesterday I visited Liverpool.  I was pleasantly surprised by how vibrant the city felt as it’s a place I’ve rarely visited, despite my paternal Grandfather originating from the city.  I went to meet Enid, a Liverpudlian friend I’d met through following Kristina Rihanoff. We explored the “historical area” made famous by The Beatles before finding a restaurant on the Albert Dock. As Enid and I sat and chatted, I reflected that trawlerman Charles Hickford wouldn’t recognise the place 100 years on, as the whole of the Docks area has been re-developed into an attractive waterfront with Bijou shops and apartments. 

Monday 6 December 2010

Having A Blast on Blencathra

We’d an amazing walk up Blencathra (or Saddleback) in the snow yesterday.  Easily distinguished from miles around by its distictive “Saddleback” topography,  it evokes a feeling of genuine contentment or homecoming in many people when they first glimpse the hill on their way to the Lake District as visitors or as locals returning home.  We preferred the safer route along Scales Fell to the summit, watching roped up walkers delicately negotiating the narrow ridge of Sharp Edge, with crampons and ice axes.  The views along the way were breathtaking with clear visibility across the fells and the Solway to Scotland

Friday 3 December 2010

Christmas Shopping

I’ve begun my Christmas shopping and it’s only 3 December.  Those of you with your parcels neatly wrapped ready for Christmas Day will be shocked at this dilatory approach but for me, this is early. My absolute loathing of shopping is legendary among my family and friends but I needed to get my “Secret Santa” present for a lucky colleague. On venturing into the snowy Dickensian scene that is the Christmas market in the town centre, I was pleasantly pleased to see that among the “tat”, several stalls had some rather lovely things on them. Purse out and job done!!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Secularism at Christmas

As everyone around me talks smugly of Christmas shopping done, presents wrapped and freezers filled, I’ve been analysing my personal response to Christmas festivities.  My traditional Roman Catholic background ensures the religious significance is a given, but in a secular context, my assurance about the extent of celebration is less clear.  It’s my belief that Christmas has been corrupted. Too many of us worship at the “alter of excess”, pressurised to make this Christmas “the best ever”.  The reckless consumption of food and drink and the seemingly obligatory purchasing of expensive gifts, affordable or not, doesn’t sit comfortably with me

Strictly DVD

I can’t believe it. I’ve won Kristina’s signed copy of the Strictly DVD!!!!
As I’ve rarely won anything in my life before, I’m totally excited.  I’d toyed with ordering the DVD for Christmas but true to form, I’d done nothing about it. What is it that they say about good intentions and the road to Hell?  That is just soooo me at Christmas-time! As Strictly has really lost its magic for me this year, this lovely prize will help recapture all that was good about last year’s dancing.  And that Kristina has signed it makes it all the more special