Monday 17 May 2010


Where does the weekend go? Although it was fairly sedentary for us, it still seemed to race away. Andy has damaged his Achilles tendon and cant walk or run easily so we pottered about at home. We had a lovely meal with friends on Saturday night where we enjoyed a baked mocha cheese cake to die for. And, as every downside has an up, our enforced lassitude has meant that we've finally bought the floorboards we've talked about getting for months. How long it will be before we actually lay them is a different matter. We're not big into home improvements

Baked Mocha Cheesecake
  • 300g double chocolate chip cookies
  • 60g butter, melted
  • 300g white chocolate
  • 300g light cream cheese
  • 3 large eggs 
  • 2tsp instant coffee granules/powder 
  • 1tsp caster sugar 
  • Pouring cream to serve (optional) 

Preheat the oven to 170C/ gas 3. Grease and line the base of a 20cm loose-bottomed or spring-clip cake tin. 
Crush the biscuits to a crumb either in a food processor or in a plastic food bag using a rolling pin. Melt the butter and mix into the biscuits. Tip into the cake tin and pack down with a potato masher or the back of a large spoon. 
Gently melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Once melted, leave to cool for 5 minutes before adding the cream cheese. Beat with a wooden spoon until smooth. Mix in the eggs and then pour on top of the cheesecake base in the tin. 
Mix the coffee granules/ powder with the caster sugar and 2tbsp of hot water until dissolved. Spoon over the top of the cheesecake and swirl with the handle of a teaspoon. 
Place the tin on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 1 hour, until the middle of the cheesecake is just set. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. 
Serve at room temperature, with pouring cream if liked.

Thursday 13 May 2010


Agreeing dates with my husband for an annual holiday would seem to be a relatively straightforward task; diaries checked, dates agreed and time off work requested. But not in our family. This year, reaching agreement with Andy is proving to be more challenging than usual. Nerea is to be away for 5 weeks of the summer, she'll need collecting from Heathrow, some 300 miles away on her return and we're expecting visitors slap bang in the middle of her sojurn. If we don't sort something soon, I'm booking myself into a luxury spa under a pseudonym and not returning until the autumn.

Monday 10 May 2010

Allendale's Scarecrows

The scarecrows of yesteryear bear little resemblance to the sophisticated models that have graced Allendale (home of Grandma and the famous New Year Tar Baarls ) for the past week . Scarecrow festivals are becoming increasingly popular across the country and are an innovative way to raise village funds and put a location on the tourist map. We had great fun on Sunday, spotting scarecrows all round the village and so it seems, did lots of other visitors. There was even a Strictly Come Circle Dancing exhibit, but sadly, none of the dancers bore any resemblance to either Kristina or Brian


Newcastle is an historic city with a turbulent past. On Friday, I followed a fascinating trail that took me across the Tyne from Gateshead to several historic sites. Close to the Quayside are narrow lanes and steep steps set into the city walls. Despite the modernisation of today, it doesn't take much imagination to conjure up scenes of Victorian times; the hustle and bustle of boats unloading cargo on the wharfs, shady deals being struck by unshaven sailors in the shadows, barefoot raggedy children scurrying behind elegant carriages hoping to scrounge a penny. Times have changed and for the better

Saturday 8 May 2010

Half a fruit cake

Today I made a fruit cake.  Half a fruit cake to be precise.  And the reason for this inaccuracy in quantities?  My 16 year old daughter, who hasn't grown out of her childhood habit of eating raw cake mixture . No sooner had my concentration lapsed for a moment while I looked for scissors to cut the grease proof paper than she was digging out a sizeable quantity of cake mixture with my over sized spatula.  I prevented further loss by holding the mixing bowl to my chest and chasing her out of the kitchen but the damage was done.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Queens Cave Gorge

On Tuesday I finished a meeting in Hexham sooner than I anticipated so I decided to take advantage of the glorious afternoon and walk along the Queens Cave Gorge from Dipton Mill.  I’ve never investigated this legendary place before although it’s been on my “must visit” list for some time. The gorge was truly beautiful with the burn singing merrily in the bottom as sunlight dappled the steep, tree lined walls. And what if the legend is false? There’s a beautiful romanticism about the fugitive Queen Margaret of Anjou hiding from her pursuers in such an enchanting and captivating place.

Seeing Double

Mr Drabbler was working over the Bank Holiday weekend (We have to finance teenage daughter’s Borneo trip somehow!) and said teenage daughter was running in various athletics events so I was on my own most of the time. Being a regular recreational cyclist I decided to go for a bike ride and pick up a few geocaches.  Quite why I felt it necessary to haul my trusty steed over twin stiles and then back again when I realised the path across the field had disappeared remains lost in the depths of my mind.  Sadly, however, my shins bear the scars


Just before Easter, I had a work meeting in London.  Although I’m a country girl at heart, I love my visits to the “Deep South” and the opportunity to experience the heady delights the capital city has to offer.  My angel daughter, Nerea, came with me and once work was complete, we set off for hedonistic pleasures; shopping for her and historical themed geocaching for me.  Food is a shared joy, so all in all, we passed our couple of days very contentedly, window shopping for luxuries we couldn’t afford, hunting for “treasure” and sharing delicious eats and drinks. Fabulous!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Shake That Banner, Girls

I’m so excited (It’s easily done) as Brian has commented on the FF banner, saying it’s dynamite.  (Thank goodness I didn’t throw coffee over it in Blackpool).  He, Ali and some of the FFs posed for a photo with it in Devon and now he’s been asking on FB when he’ll see it next (Birmingham and Dublin!) So, it’s down to those FFs lucky enough to see the Pro Tour to shake that banner and show the rest of the world that no one puts the FFs in a corner. I feel a little map to track progress is required

I have been Fortuna'd and it was Fantastic

This isn't my usual 100 word  Drivel ( whoops, I mean Drabble) but I don't want to lose this account of my night in Blackpool!!

Well I suppose being remembered as “The Person who Knocked Brian’s Coffee over the Autographing Table” is something, mortifying though it was, (and still is).  I’d just rather have been remembered for my incredibly witty or erudite comments, my incisive questioning or my never discovered before talent for Latin dancing that left all in the Ballroom cheering and clapping for more.  But somehow that was never to be my destiny!

But enough naval gazing.  You want to know if the night was a success and to that I can give a resounding YES.  I have been Fortuna’d and it was Fantastic. Coffeegate aside, I had a warm fuzzy feeling all night that had little to do with the couple of glasses of Moet (chilled and very pleasant indeed, thankyou), and everything to do with the company, the venue and the “Stars of our Show”.  Now, Gentle Reader, those of you who know me well will realise that I don’t do detail so although I will do my best, it may be necessary to cross reference this with reports from those dear FFs who actually paid attention.

Surprisingly, I was easily recognised outside the promenade entrance to the Tower as I waited for the rest of the team; perhaps my infamous green Helly Hanson fleece (as seen on FB) might have had something to do with it. OK, so it lacked something of the sparkly glamour that other show attendees brought to the ballroom but at least it got me noticed by the advance guard of FFs!  We soon had the Fortuna’s Fantastics banner (purple sequinned letters on white sheet), on show, giving the other arrivals a terrifying glimpse of what was to come.

Then just as we were beginning to get slightly concerned that our Mama Maz, keeper of the FF shoes, pressis and tickets was delayed, we were called inside to the other entrance via the Aquarium!!  My sense of a totally surreal experience was growing ever stronger. Thankfully, the rest of the team was waiting.  Hmm – note to self; check the number and locations of entrances in future.  It was Fantastic hugs all round and then a quick dash to our tables in the Ballroom.  The tables were on the side of the dance floor and close to the stage. The Ballroom itself was amazing – the ceiling, the ornate frescos, the essence of thousands of stolen kisses in its walls.

But enough, I hear you say, when are you getting to the important bits?  Well, I’m almost there.  We were soon entertained by what seemed to be the massed populace of Blackpool enjoying a wide variety of social dances (there were some pretty professional looking couples among the amateurs) before being treated to some amazing teenagers and a latin medley of Michael Jackson numbers,  And then came the moment we’d been waiting for. Or so we thought. It was Brian and Ali.  But they weren’t dancing…. Yet.  To whoops, hollers and much shaking of banners from some deranged women in the audience, they were escorted by the host to the back of the Ballroom for photos and autographs.  Now, Coffeegate aside, I think it must have been a pretty fraught experience for Ali and Brian too.  They hadn’t actually performed, it was Ali’s “first professional” gig and it was in a special place with lots of critics in the audience. Quite nerve wracking I should think. I was so impressed at the two of them being such good humoured sports. It can’t be easy, having mad women coming up and flinging themselves (and coffee) at you.
But I do believe, in my opinion, looking at Brian with my motherly eyes, he is a tad thin.  I wonder what anyone else thinks. I think he needs a good feed…. (and I am the woman to do it!  Although I am of a modest nature, I think it fair to say that my all butter, Victoria Sandwich cake has received critical acclaim from the U16 hockey and Second 15 rugby teams before now. I am sure Brian would like it). With such a punishing schedule ahead, we run the risk of seeing him disappear before our very eyes.  Any way, Ali and Brian were delightful.  Even to me

So, where was I?  Ah yes, back at our table in the Tower Ballroom, having scuttled back from the autograph table hanging my head in shame and clutching my infamous camera bag to my chest after having my photo taken with, Brian, Ali and Maz.   Sadly, I didn’t see any of the hand holding, bag carrying, door opening stuff that other eagle eyed FFs spotted after the photo session but that was no surprise.  Any time there has ever been a moment worth experiencing, I’ve always missed it. I was in the loo when Bruce Springsteen spoke to a group of my friends at a gig when I was about 17.  I was minding the bikes at the back of a shop in Scotland when Paul and Linda McCartney came in and had a chat with my husband. I was mopping up baby sick when Princess Diana came past on walkabout.  Such is life. Even Jimmy Clitheroe refused to give me his autograph after waiting for about 3 hours “because it was a Sunday”. Some of us are just not destined for bouquets.

But back to the dance floor.  Not only was our location perfect for tripping up serious dancers as they came down from the balconies to cha cha and foxtrot the night away but it meant we had the ability to mix freely and enjoy any amount of FF chat.  And the FFs themselves?  Well, they were all I’d hoped they would be: warm, kind, glamorous, interesting and friendly.  And just as importantly, mingling with the FFs meant that I didn’t have to “do” the Macarena or the Saturday Night Fever routine.  Gentle Reader, let me assure you that the world is not ready for that. However, other FFs held their own with well co-ordinated moves and jumps.  That some of the exuberance went unappreciated by the more serious type of dancer is neither here nor there. We enjoyed it.

And then we were teased with a little bit of Brian on the mike doing the introductions for the championship Latin formation dance team.  They were great and apparently, the guys were hot.  I wouldn’t know because, being a married woman for 25 years, naturally I never looked at any of their hips, torsos or guns which were clad in black lycra cat suits, slashed to the waist! I’m not sure why but they must have turned up the central heating in the Ballroom at this point as it seemed to get very warm all of a sudden…..
But around me were restless murmurings. When would we see our duo dance?  There was talk of storming the stage if they didn’t appear soon and then luckily the magic moment arrived; I didn’t want to have to hold back “those who shall not be named but they know who they are” any longer. Lights were dimmed and the spotlight was on.

To the accompaniment of much shrieking, Ali and Brian appeared. Stephen, the host, (who earned every penny of his money that night) introduced them and said they should have won Strictly.  How true! The bright yellow of the dress which Ali was wearing really suited her (See? We were right when we said she should have been dressed in bolder colours on Strictly). I think the dress “worked” when there was fluid movement and the floaty bits, floated.  They danced the VW wonderfully together and there was absolutely no impression at all that “it was the 299th time they had done it and it was all a bit routine”.   Infact, I really felt like they were dancing for each other.  It was truly magical and they totally radiated the beauty that is dancing in the arms of someone you love. I suspect there were a few misty eyes in the house.  I did notice a sweet little kiss at the end. I wonder if it was another defining moment for them both.  My mum and dad met at the Ballroom just after the war so I’ve always felt it’s a special place. You see? Inside my fibre pile clad exterior beats a heart of pure marshmallow. I am such a secret romantic.

Then we were back to the top of the stage and Brian (and Ali) on the mike answering pre-submitted questions. He is a natural; he obviously loves to entertain and is very comfortable in front of an audience.  He paid a tribute to Ali saying it was her first ever performance as a dancer – Ahh  and he asked if everyone was enjoying themselves.  We all cheered and he said he knew “we” (the FFs) were but what about everyone else?  There was a cute moment when he started telling us about DoW ( lots in the audience had watched it) and Ali pretended she needed a chair “if he was going to start telling one of his stories”.  Some one had asked a question about them getting married and Ali pretended to go off stage!  Brian side stepped answering it and rightly so.  Falling in love is a private thing and although I think a bit of fun teasing is OK I would have absolutely hated having my romance tracked so publicly and avidly.

There was a bit of banter and lovely endearments; honey, babe, sweetie. I sooo remember those days myself!!  Oh yes, Gentle Reader, I’ve had my moments.  Not many, it’s true, but none the less, they are there for the treasuring! “Chuckie, you put the tent and cooking stuff in your panniers and I’ll take the food and the sleeping bags” and “Thank you for clearing up the cat sick/dog poop/disembowelled dead furry creature (insert appropriate unpleasant matter as required). I would have done it, Love, but I didn’t know where the Dettol was.”  Who says romance is dead?

Anyway, I won’t bore you with any more of the question and answer details (as I can’t remember them) and you can watch it on the videos that other more technologically capable FFs ( i.e. everyone but me)  have made. Ali then went off stage and Brian talked about listening to Sunday with Sinatra with his dad (and Grandad got a mention too, I think). I loved that; I adore the way Brian is proud of his family and isn’t ashamed to embrace and share his warm, family upbringing. He said although he didn’t sing in public, the FFs had asked him to. (We had?) And then it was as if Frank was in the room with us singing “Almost like Being in Love”.  OK, there were no heavies or any one from the Mob present but you get my drift.

Brian’s actually got a great voice for that kind of song and it felt really relaxed.  He did a bit on stage and then came down to the floor.  Now I may be wrong here, as it’s not difficult for me to get confused, but I think he said something about being in love and asked was anyone in the room in love?  I’m sure I heard it as I went all warm and fuzzy  inside and thought Ahhh.  I must watch the video to check.  Then it was onto Fly Me to the Moon and Let’s face the Music and Dance.  It was then that Brian came over and kissed Dancing Girl before trying to tempt Roxxi on the floor.  But Brian had forgotten the immortal dialogue that needs to take place between every man and woman when issuing an invitation to dance; “You dancin’? You askin’? I’m askin’, I’m dancin’.”  Luckily Emma took the hint and ended up doing a twirl with him.  Naughty Brian took the opportunity to pat Emma’s rear of the year but she took it all in good spirit and resisted the urge to declare herself affronted! I can’t imagine why.

Then Brian went off and it was more social dancing and a series of amazing Latin dances by Rachel and Gregor, Latin dance champions.  They were seriously mesmerising.  Then Ali and Brian were back and Ali was barely wearing a fabulous blue black number and Brian had on his sleeveless top.  Hmmmm.  Moving swiftly on.  That Samba was immense.  It was simply stunning.  Brian’s hips, a cheeky little tap on Ali’s butt, those Samba rolls…. It was hot, hot, hot. The whole dance blew me away.   I never feel you can really gauge the “emotion” of a dance when you are remote from it and someone is controlling what you see via a camera as on Strictly but there was real raunch and passion there, and plenty of it.  Brian sent greetings and apologies from Kristina and thanked everyone. And then they went!

There was more social dancing and superb Latin displays but the evening was drawing to a close for most FFs.  We muscled the amateurs flocking to the dance floor out of the way (honestly, anyone would think they wanted to dance or something) and mustered for a few stage steps piccys before I ceremoniously handed the signed banner over to Maz.  Then it was back on with the fibrepile and out into the Blackpool night.  It was totally awesome.  I loved every minute of it, even Coffeegate.  After all, not everyone can say they’ve thrown coffee at Brian Fortuna.   I just hope they can get the stains out of the table cloth. Yes, it was a very different event from the one I originally booked for but it wasn’t a disappointment. Stephen, the guy from Feverdance who hosted it was so entertaining and hard working and all the dance acts were amazing. I was sorry when Kristina had to cancel (note to self; book  B and K tickets on pay day) but Brian and Ali were just incredible.  It was such a joy to see them dance together

At this point I’m going to do an emotional ITT Strictly Exit Highlights type bit.  I want say a huge thank you to Maz and Carol for all their kindness and organisational stuff.  I need to apologise to Bernie for trampling on her foot.  My size 9s take some controlling.  Thank you to Bexy for managing the banner and getting Brian’s paw print on it.  And finally thankyou to everyone in the FFs and TA. The whole Fortuna’s Fantastics thing has been wonderful. I really can’t describe how much of a positive buzz I have had from it. And it is all down to Brian and you guys (and Kristina and Ali too, to be fair)  This is all so out of character for me; I am not particularly out going or technologically able but yet there I was, in Blackpool, meeting forum friends and seeing Ali and Brian dance. I even sewed a banner and IRONED it for goodness sake.  I still can’t quite believe what has happened to me

And if you are STILL reading,  Thankyou. Glistener OUT!

An old sheet and some sequins

I’m pleased that I put the effort in and made a Fortuna’s Fantastics banner. Typically, I was on the last minute and although the bulk of the work was done in advance, I finished stitching it with less than 24 hours to go before Brian and Ali were to thrill us all in Blackpool on March 20th. It’s not a work of great beauty (I defy anyone to make purple sequinned letters on an old painting sheet look any thing but kitch) but it was certainly appreciated by the rest of the FFs when we stormed the Blackpool Tower ballroom.

It was enlightening on Hadrian's Wall

On March 13, Andy, Nerea and I were lucky enough to be involved in Illuminating Hadrian’s Wall. It was an impressive event to mark 1600 years since the end of the Roman rule with 500 beacons lighting the entire length (84 miles) of the wall from Segedunum at Wallsend in the East to Bowness on Solway in the West. Although much of the media attention was focussed on the impressive sections along Whin Sill, those of us on the Western end still played an important role. We felt as though we had been a part of a significant, historical experience

Monday 3 May 2010

Roof of the Pennines

We had a stunning walk with friends last week upto the roof of the Pennines.  I can see the fells from my office window looking East (I have a view of Carlisle Castle looking West) and on the spur of the moment, suggested to my husband and our walking friends that we escape from the drudgery of office life for a day and go walking.  We had a fabulous day, walking 18 miles and finding 6 geocaches along the way.  Although the weather was fine, the area is quite remote and we barely met anyone. A truly wonderful, wilderness experience.

Knit, one, purl one

I’m about to do some knitting.  This may sound sad but  I’m very excited about it as I love knitting and yet, perversely, I haven’t done any for ages; infact, not since my daughter was small.  Thanks to creative designers there are some stunning garments to create with wonderful quality  yarns so it’ll be an absolute joy.  It’ll be productive and will release me from my recent addiction of wasting precious free time in a virtual world, hunched over the computer.  I’ll even have time to verbally communicate with my husband and daughter again.  Will they even notice or care?

Neglecting this Blog

It has actually been a while since I drabbled . Sometimes real life gets in the way of these “virtual” musings and before you know it, weeks have elapsed.  Which brings me to my point.  My “real” life has included pouring over the Strictly forums. But, actually  I’m wasting time communicating in a virtual world with people I don’t really know and don’t necessarily want to.  I don’t share their views and values on the appropriateness of public postings and I’m neglecting other, more important things.  I feel I’m addicted which is never a good thing . So it’s over