Friday 18 November 2016

Time and Tide Bell

Several years ago, we stumbled across our first Time and Tide Bell, situated on the lonely Bosta beach in the Outer Hebrides. Maybe it’s our love of the sea and the family legacy of bell ringing but we were enchanted by the idea of the bell, tolling away as the tide rose. Subsequent research revealed that it was one of 12 bells sited or planned around the country, forming an art installation by Marcus Vergette. We’re now determined to visit as many bell sites as possible and are delighted to have visited Cemaes Bay and seen the wonderful installation there.

Thursday 17 November 2016

Ogwen Again

No visit to Wales is complete without a visit to Ogwen. It’s such a dramatic, memorable place that is special to us, not least because we’ve visited so many times but also because of our fond, youthful  memories of field trips and Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions. It was horribly windy on Friday so we limited ourselves to a walk upto and round the lake. Despite the fact that it’s something we’ve done many times, it never fails to lift the spirits for, after all, whatever the weather, who could fail to be inspired by the volcanic and glacial scenery 

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Week in Wales!

We’ve been visiting Wales annually for over 20 years so there’s always a strong sense of wellbeing and quiet satisfaction when we arrive at Bryn Dowsi. Although ordinarily we love discovering new places, over the years, this week has evolved into a comfortable experience that celebrates our family, our enjoyment of the outdoors and importantly, allows us to relax, preparing for winter’s chilly embrace. And although Mavis wasn’t able to join us in Wales, we still enjoyed our week, doing something different every day, be that re-visiting old haunts, exploring some new places and eating and drinking far too much.

Monday 31 October 2016


When I was a child, Halloween merely consisted of apple bobbing and church the following day. In the intervening years it’s grown hugely as an “event”, almost unrecognisable now in its commercialism. Although we didn’t go overboard when Miss Glis was a little girl, we always had a few scary cobwebs and a pumpkin so over the years, Mr Glis has developed a talent for pumpkin carving. But this year, ready for our local trick or treaters, he has surpassed himself. With a nod to his own hirsute appearance, he has created a vision of orangeness complete with curly moustache. 

Take a risk

This sign made me smile, although it does actually serve a valid purpose as fallen leaves can obscure the old train tracks. But as I walked the dogs, I reflected on the reasons why nationally, we’re so risk averse and concluded that it’s a political ploy. Culturally, our public policies tend towards a high level of detail, with scenarios for every eventuality, however unlikely. This ultimately produces a highly regulated society, populated with a mass of accepting, conformist individuals, comfortable with order and rules. But, for the less acquiescent among us, this environment, however outwardly benevolent, can be enormously frustrating!

Tuesday 25 October 2016


This morning felt truly autumnal as Andy and I walked the dogs, the misty dawn radiating an ethereal light that only seems to exist at this time of year. Despite the tinge of melancholy I love the season of autumn mists and mellow fruitfulness: the smell of wood-smoke in the twilight, the whisper of a chill on the air and watching the trees lose their rich green cloaks, golden leaves falling gently to the ground.  And, that sun kissed carpet of leaves actually provides a soothing reminder of impermanence and the need to let go that’s both healing and cathartic.

Monday 17 October 2016

The Kindness of Strangers

An elderly lady fell near the office earlier today and cut her head quite badly on the wall. Within moments, several other pedestrians and people in cars had stopped to help her, including one young man who took off his shirt to stem the blood. Although I didn’t see the incident, the commotion on the street drew my attention through the window and so I rummaged in our First Aid kit for a couple of suitable sterile dressings which I took out to her. In a world of bad news stories, it’s always wonderful to witness the kindness of strangers